Save Time and Money with This 2-for-1 Family Meal - 17190 Save Time and Money with This 2-for-1 Family Meal - 17190

Save Time and Money with This 2-for-1 Family Meal

(Family Features) One of the easiest ways to save money in the kitchen is avoiding food waste. Save that leftover chicken for this quick, creamy Chicken Spaghetti that can feed the entire family with enough leftovers to freeze and enjoy next week.

Since you have to cook once, you might as well make enough to double dip to save money, time and trouble. Find more family meal inspiration by visiting

Chicken Spaghetti

Recipe courtesy of "Cookin' Savvy"
Servings: 4

  • 2 pounds spaghetti noodles
  • 1 box chicken broth
  • water
  • 3 cups chopped, cooked chicken
  • 2 tablespoons garlic powder
  • 1 tablespoon onion powder
  • 1 can (10 ounces) cream of celery
  • 1 can (10 ounces) diced tomatoes and green chiles
  • salt, to taste
  • pepper, to taste
  • 1/2 block pasteurized cheese
  • shredded cheese or Parmesan cheese (optional)
  • French bread (optional)
  • salad (optional)
  1. In large Dutch oven, cook spaghetti noodles in chicken broth and water. While noodles are cooking, add chicken and let water reduce until almost gone and noodles are moist.
  2. Turn off heat and add garlic powder, onion powder, cream of celery and diced tomatoes with chiles; add salt and pepper, to taste. Cut cheese into chunks and add to Dutch oven. Mix well and cover Dutch oven with lid, about 5 minutes.
  3. Serve spaghetti with shredded cheese or Parmesan on top, if desired. Serve with French bread and salad, if desired.

Tip: Leftovers can be placed in disposable aluminum pan and covered with foil. Freeze up to 1 month. When ready to eat, heat oven to 350 F and bake 30 minutes with foil on then 5 minutes with foil removed. If dry, add 1/2 cup chicken broth during final 5 minutes.


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