Let’s get some barbecue satisfaction from our very own kitchens with my Winter Ribs recipe. It’s a low and slow kind of thing, but it’s so easy and they’re so good, it will totally be worth the wait. It’s the kind of recipe that will make the ribs fall off the bone and leave your family licking their fingers and asking for more.
1/2cupbrown sugar
1tbspgarlic powder
1tbspmesquite seasoning
1cantomato paste6 ounces
4tbspliquid smoke
1/3cupapple cider vinegar
2cupbeef broth
1/2cupbarbecue sauce
Heat oven to 325 F
In bowl, whisk brown sugar, salt, pepper, garlic powder, mesquite seasoning, tomato paste, liquid smoke, apple cider vinegar, honey and beef broth
Place ribs in roasting pan and pour mixture over ribs. Cook, covered in aluminum foil, 2 1/2 hours. Remove aluminum foil and cover with barbecue sauce
Reduce oven temperature to 180 F and cook 20 minutes