6 Tricks for a Clean, Organized Refrigerator

November 5, 2024

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What’s that smell? If it’s not the garbage, it might be the spoiled yogurt in the back of the refrigerator. Yes, cleaning out the fridge can be a chore, but keeping it organized can help you avoid expired dairy “reeking” havoc.

Keep the hub of your kitchen neat and tidy with a few simple tricks for an organized refrigerator.

Clean Your Refrigerator Regularly

Taking a clean washcloth to the shelves, drawers and doors of the fridge helps keep them fresh, yes, but it also ensures you’re checking expiration dates and tossing old leftovers before they cause a stench. That way, you can avoid drenching a fresh, delicious salad with outdated dressing by consistently clearing out clutter.

Be Efficient with Space

One of the quickest ways to take up precious refrigerator real estate is by coming home with groceries and storing them in their original packaging. Bulky boxes (think containers for multiple yogurts or packages of produce) can unnecessarily take up space in a hurry. Instead, neatly stack packaged items on a shelf or in a drawer and transfer loose groceries (like fruits or veggies) to a clear container that takes up less room.

Use Clear Containers

Speaking of clear containers, they offer a specific advantage over to-go boxes and the like – you can see what’s in them, meaning you’re less likely to forget about that extra taco you brought home. For produce, you can easily see if strawberries and blueberries are starting to lose their luster or when greens are beginning to wilt.

Avoid Overbuying in the First Place

Another common way space tends to vanish is overstocking the refrigerator with bulk buys. While it may be cost-effective to purchase some items in bulk, keep in mind that perishables might just end up spoiling in the fridge, rendering your savvy spending ineffective.

Keep Perishables Close to the Front

Items with shorter shelf lives should be kept at the front of the refrigerator where you’ll naturally catch a glimpse of them each time you open the door. Sometimes, all you need is a friendly reminder to prioritize certain ingredients in your next meal. Plus, a fresh, healthy piece of fruit at eye level might help you avoid reaching into the pantry for a processed snack.

Understand Temperature Fluctuations

The top shelf and doors are typically the warmest places in a refrigerator. They’re the best spots to store condiments, beverages and other items that don’t require the coolest storage possible. Save those lower shelves and drawers for meats and dairy products that can spoil quicker in warmer areas. Organizing this way can also help you save time when you’re cooking or writing a grocery list as you’ll know where to look for particular items.

Do you have “rules” in your house for keeping the fridge neat and clean? Share them with us on Facebook and subscribe on YouTube for our latest recipe videos.

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