A Simple Side Fresh Off the Grill

A Simple Side Fresh Off the Grill

Let’s talk savvy grilled carrots for a minute. I know it’s not the first thing you think of when you’re planning a meal but maybe it should be. Carrots are an overlooked vegetable by most kids and adults alike unless they are on a veggie tray covered in ranch dressing. Let’s jazz them up a bit and make them the hit of the party.

Cool Down with a Creamy Dessert

Cool Down with a Creamy Dessert

Let’s talk savvy summer treats for a minute. It’s hot and we’re in full swing of the dog days of summer. Summertime brings fun in the sun but also some summer boredom. So let’s shake things up in the kitchen and make a “lasagna” – but not any old lasagna. How about an ice cream lasagna?

A Versatile Summer Side

A Versatile Summer Side

Let’s talk savvy summer veggies for a minute. It’s summer, the sun is out and so are the grills. Neighborhoods are full of the smells of cut grass and grilled meat. What about the sides? Everyone knows you can grill corn on the cob, asparagus or fresh squash, but what if you don’t grow a garden or don’t feel like picking through fresh produce at the store?

Pamper Mom with Tasty Pastries

Pamper Mom with Tasty Pastries

Let’s talk savvy Mother’s Day for a minute. May brings a busy schedule, from end-of-school actives like recitals, field days and graduations to signing up for summer camps and other kid-friendly summer activities.

A Savvy Cinco de Mayo Dessert

A Savvy Cinco de Mayo Dessert

Let’s talk savvy Cinco de Mayo for a minute. Celebrating can bring all kinds of fun, from visiting with family and friends to playing games and watching parades. No matter how you celebrate, food is always needed.

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