Shorting Sugar: 5 Tips to Reduce Sugar Consumption

January 14, 2025

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Revising your eating plan for better health is as much about cutting back on unhealthy ingredients as it is adding healthier foods to the menu. Boosting your intake of leafy greens and eating better-for-you foods is an important step, but it’s also beneficial to keep sugar consumption at an appropriate level.

As always, a healthy diet doesn’t have to mean depriving yourself of favorite foods. However, you can make changes to reduce the amount of sugar you eat with a few simple tricks.

Cut Back on Added Sugar

The easy first step: Limit the amount of sugar you’re adding to beverages like tea or foods such as cereal and oatmeal. If you find it challenging to kick the habit completely, start small by reducing the amount of sugar you add a little at a time.

Eat More Fruit

Can’t give up sweet flavors? Try taking advantage of the natural sugars found in fruits. Add fresh fruits or those canned with water or natural juices to recipes as opposed to adding sugar. For example, you can add fresh strawberries or blueberries to your morning cereal rather than mixing in sugar.

Pay Attention to Nutrition Labels

When shopping for your favorite products, compare the nutrition labels to find options with lower amounts of added sugars. Labels can be confusing, so do your research to grasp the definitions of nutritional contents. Understanding the difference between sugar free (containing less than 1/2 gram of both natural and added sugar) and no added sugar (no sugar added during processing or packaging) can help you make the best decisions for your family.

Revise Favorite Recipes

Many of your favorite recipes can likely be revised to reduce sugar. Oftentimes, you can cut the sugar by up to half for a healthier version.

Swap Out Sugar-Filled Drinks

One sneaky way you’re consuming more sugar than you realize is with your favorite beverages. As often as possible, drink water, but when you crave a little flavor, opt for unsweetened tea or flavored water to avoid sodas and other sugary drinks.

Make your healthy eating goals a reality by following us on Facebook to find better-for-you recipes and subscribe to our YouTube page to see how we make them!

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