Sweetness from the Skillet

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August 15, 2024

Let’s talk savvy cookout sides for a minute. We are in the home stretch of summer. Everybody is looking forward to cooler weather and you can almost smell the pumpkin spice that will soon be filling the air. Let’s not forget it’s August, and to me, that still means grilling and being out in the sun. It also means apple dishes. That’s right, I said it, apple side dishes.

This recipe is a great side dish or appetizer for your end-of-summer cookout. It’s a unique take on an old glazed apple recipe. You can dress it up with nuts or it can stand on its own. It’s the perfect sweet yet savory dish everyone will want more of. Now that’s what I call a savvy side dish!

Till next time, I will be Doin’ My Best at Cookin’ Savvy!

Glazed Apples with Prosciutto

This recipe is a great side dish or appetizer for your end-of-summer cookout. It’s a unique take on an old glazed apple recipe. You can dress it up with nuts or it can stand on its own. It’s the perfect sweet yet savory dish everyone will want more of.


  • 1 package prosciutto 4 ounces
  • 2 large appes sliced
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • 1/8 tsp pepper
  • 1 tsp lemon juice


  • Cut prosciutto slices lengthwise. Wrap one prosciutto strip around each apple slice
  • In skillet over medium heat, combine brown sugar, butter, pepper and lemon juice. When brown sugar has melted, add apple slices. After 5 minutes, flip each apple slice and cook 5 minutes. Apples should be tender but not soggy
  • Serve in skillet on serving platter with sauce drizzled on top

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